SPECIAL REPORT: Coping with isolation

Boarding schools offer a structured environment where students live, study, and grow alongside their peers. However, the sense of community and shared experiences can also bring moments of isolation. Being away from family and the familiar surroundings of home, can lead to feelings of homesickness, sadness, and loneliness resulting in feelings of isolation that can be emotionally challenging, especially for younger students.

Many boarders may experience academic pressure due to their busy schedules, leaving them with limited free time to nurture social connections. The feeling of isolation can be intensified when students struggle to make friends or find it difficult to confide in someone about their feelings. The high expectations in such an environment can make students hesitant to open up about their vulnerabilities.

To help students cope with this challenge, parents and caregivers play a crucial role in maintaining open communication, staying connected, visiting when possible, encouraging participation in school activities, teaching time management skills, and supporting the development of their child’s social skills.

By offering unwavering support and knowing when to intervene, parents can help their children navigate the unique challenges of boarding school life for a positive and fulfilling experience. With the right support and an inclusive community, children can learn valuable life skills and create lasting connections that will serve them well beyond their boarding school years. It's essential for boarding schools, educators, and parents to work together to ensure that every student thrives during their time away from home.



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